Sunday, May 4, 2008

So there are a few things that people need to know about me:

1. I'm not the most patient person in world (just ask my wife how well I do waiting to open presents or with surprises...the whole waiting nine months for the kids to be born was hell)

2. I am kinda opinionated and have been known to be rather blunt at times telling someone when they are being an ass.

3. I am a horrible typer and am lazy so there will be typos. Deal with it :)

4. I babble.

5. I have two daughters who are both of course the cutest and smartest girls in the world. One is 7 going on 16 and the other is 4 going on 16....basically, I'm screwed.

6. I am a very political person and love to talk politics with anyone who will listen and quite often people who won't.

7. Being an attorney, I tend to over-analyze things and sometimes need someone to bring me back to reality.

8. Don't mess with my favorite sports teams.

9. I love to play on my XBOX 360 but suck at every game I play much to the amusement of those who are kicking my ass online.

10. My favorite number is 10 and color is hunter green.

11. August 2 will be the 8th anniversary of my 29th birthday (cash and gift cards welcome)

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