Monday, May 5, 2008

I'm still trying to figure out exactly what form I'd like this blog to take; journal, ramblings, random thoughts, or something more concrete. For now, I think it will just be my thoughts and I will branch out with specific different blogs on specific topic areas if I get the urge.

So, I was feeling very old yesterday as I was flipping through the channels and ran across Top Gun on one of the movie channels. I can't believe that move is over 20 years old. I hadn't seen the movie in so many years that I forgot how utterly unrealistic it was. And I'm not just talking about Val Kilmer as a hot shot cool pilot, that was just he icing. All that hair on Anthony Edwards just reminded me how bald I am getting.

In any event, in my depressed state about how old I am given the release date of movies that I remember so well that it seems impossible they are over 20 years old, I cam up with list.

1. The Karate Kid-1984: Are you kidding me? I still get chills watching Ralph put the ole Crane Technique on William Zapka's face; not to mention this movie started my love affair with Elisabeth Shue.

2. A Christmas Story-1983: You'll poke your eye out kid!

3. Red Dawn-1984: A little known crappy movie about the massive Cuban Army invading the USA. Notable only because it had early performances by Patrick Swazye and Jennifer Grey (pre-nosejob) and Charlie Sheen (and lets not forget C. Thomas Howell, the master thespian of the group). This movie is also a trivia answer as I think it was one of the first movies with a PG-13 rating. Of course we all know that Swayze went on to the bigger and better Roadhouse in 1989.

4. Police Academy-1984: A "classic." I mean really, who doesn't love a good Steve Guttenberg flick?

5. Footloose-1984: Look how well little Sarah Jessica Parker grew up. Shame Kevin Bacon and Chris Penn couldn't dance.

6. Ricky Business-1983: Made the El ride in Chicago more exciting.

7. Airplane!-1980: "I am serious, and don't call me Shirley." This is one of the funniest movies ever, bar none.

8. E.T.-1982: Seriously, 1982.

9. Ferris Bueller's Day Off-1986: I used to live right by the place they used for the fancy restaurant where Ferris became Abe Froman, the Sausage King of Chicago.

10. Fast Times at Ridgemont High-1982: Aloha! Mr. Hand. I always wanted to live in a town with a mall like that

There are tons others but these reminded me of my Junior High and High School days....Man am I glad those are over!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad! I remember most of those, too. There are a lot of us in SL. :)